Low pressurized compressed air plants

What functions do the compressed air plants offer?

  • Compression and supply of low pressurized air
  • Treatment/processing of low pressurized air to the required quality according ISO 8573-1
  • (Intermediate) buffering of the generated low-pressurized air

Which products can be produced?

  • All kinds of compressed air qualities
  • KRONES standard is compressed air quality 1.4.1 according to ISO 8573-1

In which capacity levels are the compressed air plants available?

  • Thanks to the modular system, all performance sizes are available

What makes our compressed air system so special?

  • Decades of experience with compressed air systems for process plants and bottling lines
  • The use of the latest technologies coupled with the experience from our customer projects guarantees the best possible values ​​in terms of performance, energy and resource efficiency and future security through retrofit solutions
  • Complete systems with matching components

System advantages

  • Easy handling for operators
  • Long service life thanks to robust construction and high-quality materials
  • Small space requirement due to compact design
  • High level of operational reliability through the use of the latest equipment and materials
  • Adjustments to customer requirements possible
  • System tailored to the customer's consumers
  • Reduction of low-pressure air generation and thus energy consumption through optimal design
  • High surrounding temperature systems available (temperatures at machinery room > +40°C)
  • Various types of low-pressure air treatment/processing and thus different qualities of the low-pressure air generated are possible
  • Worldwide service network: Inspections, overhauls and retrofits possible at short notice

  • Very fast installation and commissioning
  • Plug-and-play-modules
  • Spare parts deliveries possible within a very short time
  • Training on the job

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