Varioline - basics of mechanics

产品编号: DOT8

合同伙伴: KRONES AG - Academy

可订购 🛈




Necessary prior knowledge:


Modules & Topics:

Basic safety dry end

  • Machine safety
  • General information
  • Machine-specific safety devices

Basic HMI dry end

  • Presentation of control panel
  • Explanation of the control buttons
  • Explanation of user levels, registration with transponder
  • Explanation of the individual areas of the touchscreen

Machine in detail

  • Machine presentation
  • Machine sensors
  • Machine-specific touch functions

Mechanic part

  • How to order spare parts, touch navigation
  • How to calibrate the axes, basic mechanics knowledge
  • How lubrication systems work, different kind of lubricants, replace toothed belts, general mechanical dry end explanation


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