Checkmat – Basics of operation and hardware

Número de artigo: IOT2

Cocontratante: KRONES AG - Academy

Em estoque 🛈

Descrição do produto

Necessary prior knowledge:

Graduation in electrical basic training (non KRONES)

Modules & Topics:

Get together, control units overview, sensorics description

  • Principle of operation of the control units
  • Overview of the sensorics

HMI structure and operation

  • Transponder levels
  • Operation of the HMI
  • Error messages
  • Analysis tools
  • Statistics


  • Type change
  • Mechanical adjustments


  • Cleaning and lubrication instructions
  • Interval’s plan with operation manual

User and data management

  • User management in Dart 4.0
  • Create and restore backup

Hardware overview and network topology

  • Description of all electronic, electrical components and network topology

Electrical drawing

  • Structure of electrical drawing


  • In-/Output, Ethernet, CanBus and Ethercat
  • How to replace a CPU

Rejection system

  • Construction of rejection system

Possible errors

  • Tips and tricks
  • Exercises

Practical work

  • Operator view, learn wizard

Fornecimento 24 horas

No caso de um fornecimento 24 horas, o envio dos produtos disponíveis será feito dentro de um dia. Para tal, basta selecionar os produtos com o símbolo de 24 horas.
Tenha em atenção que, nesse caso, são cobrados custos adicionais.

Partial delivery

No caso de um fornecimento parcial os produtos disponíveis serão enviados em alguns dias. Para o efeito, selecione os produtos que pretende adquirir de imediato.Note que serão contabilizados custos adicionais de envio. Germany | spare parts, service and offers

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Error Message: de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.exceptions.UnknownIdentifierException: Product with code 'IOT2' not found!

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Vu récemment

  • SUPPORT                 LBN 20
  • Châssis de modules 2005
  • disp.à colle durcissable à chaud
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