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Expert Level 1: Dry-end operators and troubleshooting experts

产品编号: D23

合同伙伴: KRONES AG - Academy

可订购 🛈





Completed basic and advanced courses


  • Tools for troubleshooting in detail
  • Machine-specific troubleshooting at a high level
  • Material analysis
  • Function of motors, encoders
  • Servo technology basics
  • Connection diagrams
  • General information on terminal diagrams
  • Safety systems
  • Safety of the PLC
  • Replacement of mechanical components, basics of mechanical components and details of components used (machine-specific)

Five different dry-end machines are available in our new training hall for the practical training units.

Course objective:

When overhauling KRONES filling and packaging systems, you will come into contact with mechanical and electrical components almost every day. To obtain a better understanding of this technology and to provide you with tools for a quicker fault analysis, we have developed this training course for operating personnel. You can use targeted material analysis to counteract problems and learn to avoid them in the long term.

24 h-Auslieferung

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Entscheiden Sie sich für die 24 h-Auslieferung eines Artikels, obwohl sich noch weitere Artikel mit abweichender Lieferart in Ihrem Warenkorb befinden, so erfolgt automatisch eine Teillieferung. Die übrigen Artikel werden zum nächstmöglichen Termin an Sie versandt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dabei zusätzliche Versandkosten verrechnet werden. Germany | spare parts, service and offers

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