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E06-2 Contiroll and Contiroll HS (B&R controllers) – Electrical System

E06-2 Contiroll and Contiroll HS (B&R controllers) – Electrical System

Item number: E06

Partner: KRONES AG - Academy

Orderable 🛈

Price on request

pieces Germany | spare parts, service and offers

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Product description



Basic knowledge of mechanics


  • KRONES wiring diagram
  • AS-i Safety at work, Profibus
  • Danfoss FC300/frequency inverter; MCT10 software
  • Main drive, synchronisation of discharge conveyor
  • Touch-screen: type management, user administration and data backup
  • Special encoders, replacement and setting
  • System overview, network and communication
  • Machine functions, e.g. broken bottle detection, height adjustment, infeed monitoring
  • Parameter structure, fine adjustment of the labelling station on the touch-screen
  • Diagnostics, replacement of components and data backup

Course objective:

In this seminar, you will acquire valuable skills for machine maintenance. You will learn which servo drive fine adjustments are necessary to obtain best labelling results.

24시간 배송

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