KRONES Automation Notebook: Retrofit-Package

Numero articolo: KRTE012

Partner contrattuale: KRONES AG - Academy

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Descrizione prodotto


The support time for your KRONES Automation Notebook is expiring soon or already has expired? No problem! With our Retrofit-Package you stay current in hardware. You receive a new Automation Notebook with hardware update from us but you can use your already existing and compatible software programmes (licenses) further on. The licensing and installation of further software programmes is in your own responsibility.

Accessories and extensions

  • Optional software packages available on request
  • Installation support by KRONES Academy for a fee
  • Online Training „Introduction to KRONES Automation Notebook (AOT3” as an optimal addition

Learning objectives

Technical data, scope of supply

  • Automation Notebook Dell Latitude Serie 5500

Benefits to you

  • Latest generation of the KRONES Automation Notebook adapted to the machines manufactured by KRONES AG
  • Latest image (storage image) including the corresponding software
  • Enhanced performance by improved hardware
  • New supplier’s warranty and image recovery support by KRONES Academy
  • Preinstalled software programmes

Consegna in 24 ore

Priority Service

If you place your order by 14.30 and select Priority Service, we will send you the available products within one day. Simply select products with the Priority Service symbol.
Please note that additional costs of 300 € per order will be charged.

Partial Delivery

If you decide for the Priority Service of an article, although there are other articles with different delivery method in your shopping cart, a partial delivery is automatically carried out. The remaining articles will be shipped to you as soon as possible. Please note that additional shipping costs will be charged.

Services for your machines

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