Linatronic M2 series – basic course

Номер артикула: I01

Партнер по договору: KRONES AG - Academy

Доступно 🛈

Описание продукта


Basic knowledge of electrical equipment


  • Construction and functions
  • Overview of the electrical and electronic components
  • Hardware plan
  • Bus systems
  • Operation
  • Change-over
  • Inspection units:
    • parameterisation of the
      • caustic detection unit
      • Infrared residual liquid detection unit
      • Bottom
      • Neck finish
      • Side wall
  • Explanation and parameterisation of the test container programme
  • Data backup
  • Creating new users

Course objective:

On this course, you will learn how to save unnecessary material costs for bulk glass: With the right machine settings, you reduce the rejection rate, and, at the same time, keep a steady high quality standard. Practical exercises on the Linatronic training machine provide the opportunity to implement the newly acquired knowledge into practice.

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If you place your order by 14.30 and select Priority Service, we will send you the available products within one day. Simply select products with the Priority Service symbol.
Please note that additional costs of 300 € per order will be charged.

Partial Delivery

If you decide for the Priority Service of an article, although there are other articles with different delivery method in your shopping cart, a partial delivery is automatically carried out. The remaining articles will be shipped to you as soon as possible. Please note that additional shipping costs will be charged.

Services for your machines

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