Expert Level 2: Overhaul – Variopac

No d'article: D35

Partie contractante: KRONES AG - Academy

À commander 🛈



Basic technical knowledge


  • Overhauling the film cutting station
  • Replacing belts on the cutting station
  • Replacing and adjusting the knife
  • Calibrating the cutting station and tensioning device
  • Overhauling a cycloidal separator if used
  • Replacement of parts and mechanical settings on the blank magazine
  • Replacing the chain on the wrapping station
  • Overhauling the container separator
  • Overhauling the complete wrapping station
  • Tensioning all belts and chains
  • Overhaul of the vacuum pumps
  • Overhauling the complete shrinking tunnel

A Variopac and individual modules are available in our new training hall for the practical training units.

Course objective:

Gear and axis system precision can be achieved only with comprehensive machine know-how. Tailored training at the KRONES Academy Rosenheim provides precisely this knowledge. The topics covered include structural design, function, servicing, and operation of the various components, with a special focus on professional assembly and dismantling.

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Últimos vistos

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  • Anel em "O" 18x3 EPDM peróxido 70SH
  • Corrente
  • Válvula solenoide 5/2  G 1/4 "
  • Produto de limpeza Pelox AR
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