Fermenting/Maturation yeast management – basics

Item number: BOT2

Partner: KRONES AG - Academy

Orderable 🛈

Price on request


Product description

Necessary prior knowledge:


Modules & Topics:

Overview of the training

  • Introduction of individual trainees
  • Tools and techniques for online training

Yeast cellar

  • Basic knowledge of the production processes in the yeast cellar: propagation and yeast harvest/storage
  • Process units in the yeast cellar
  • Important components and their role in the process

Fermenting cellar

  • Basic knowledge of the production processes in the fermenting cellar
  • Process units in the fermenting cellar
  • Important components and their role in the process

Bright Beer Cellar (BBT)

  • Basic knowledge of the production processes in the fermenting cellar
  • Process units in the fermenting cellar
  • Important components and their role in the process

Cellar CIP

  • Cleaning parameters: how to manage and control them
  • Important components and their role in the process
  • CIP procedures for the process units in the cellar

24 h Delivery

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Please note that for this option you will be charged additional costs.

Partial delivery

With a partial delivery, we will send you the available products within a few days. Just select the products that you want to have immediately.
Please note that for this option you will be charged additional shipment costs.

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