CAM ROLLER 10x32x12

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Price on request


Product description

Suitable for low radial loads and for high requirements with regard to low-noise operation.

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With a partial delivery, we will send you the available products within a few days. Just select the products that you want to have immediately.
Please note that for this option you will be charged additional shipment costs.

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Pacote de armazenamento

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Últimos vistos

  • Paraf. sext. M12x50 A2 70 ISO4014
  • Paraf. sext. M12x60 A2 70 ISO4017
  • Anel de retenção 120x4 AC DIN471
  • Módulo de entradas e saídas AC130
  • Amortecedor 25mm
  • Jogo De Vedacoes
  • Rolete de guia D=70 d=20 B=25
  • Atuador B3
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