Numero articolo: AOT1

Partner contrattuale: KRONES AG - Academy

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Product description

Necessary prior knowledge:

Graduation in electrical basic training (non KRONES)

Modules & Topics:

Basic principles of the S7

  • Basic information about structure, working principles of the S7-300

Basic programming and help system

  • Introduction to different tools of STEP 7 in combination with simple programming exercises

Functions – function blocs

  • Differences between functions and function blocs, handling and usage at KRONES programming

Data blocks

  • Structure, system and usage of data blocks

S7 Timers, S7 Counters

  • Use of S7 standard functions


  • Introduction into the programming language STL and the use in KRONES programme

Modular software

  • Introduction of the modular software structure of KRONES

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