Brewhouse – basics

Item number: BOT1

Partner: KRONES AG - Academy

Orderable 🛈

Price on request


Product description

Necessary prior knowledge:


Modules & Topics:

Overview of the training

  • Introduction of individual trainees
  • Tools and techniques for online training

Wet-milling system Variomill/Powermill

  • Influence of the milling on the brewing process
  • Important components and their role in the process
  • Basic knowledge of the production sequence

Mashing system ShakesBeer

  • Role and importance of enzymes in the brewing process
  • Important components and their role in the process

Lautering system Pegasus

  • Principle of the lautering process
  • Important components and their role in the process
  • Automated control of lautering and trending
  • Basic knowledge of the production sequence

Wortboiling system Stromboli

  • Importance of the wort boiling in the brewing process
  • Important components and their role in the process
  • Basic knowledge of the production sequence

Wort treatment

  • Trub separation by Whirlpool
  • Wort cooling
  • Wort aeration

Energy recovery system EquiTherm

  • Working principle of the energy recovery
  • Important components and their role in the process
  • Basic knowledge of the operation sequence

Brewhouse CIP

  • Cleaning parameters: how to manage and control them
  • Important components and their role in the process

Consegna in 24 ore

Effettuando un ordine entro le 14:00 e selezionando la consegna in 24 ore i prodotti verranno inviati il giorno stesso. Basta scegliere i prodotti con il simbolo 24 h.

Tenere presente che in questo caso vengono calcolate spese aggiuntive.

Further services

Stock-keeping Package

Stock-keeping Package

Minimize downtimes with a tailor-made stock-keeping Package

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Maintain or optimize the productivity of your existing systems in the long term

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Substitution lists

Substitution lists

Get a free overview of all replaced materials that are installed in your system

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Tutorials and Webinars

Tutorials and Webinars

Learn more about functions with the help of tutorials or a Krones expert

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