Self-adhesive technology – APS 3 und APS 4: basics, maintenance, adjusting work

No d'article: L04

Partie contractante: KRONES AG - Academy

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Description de produit

Suitable for the following machine types: Autocol APS 3 and APS 4 table and modular machines




  • Overview of the machine functions
  • Pneumatic and electrical components
  • Operation of the machine and touch-screen
  • Troubleshooting
  • Conversion
  • Adjustment (approx. 50 % of the training time)
    • Container table and head
    • Machine infeed and discharge
    • Label film drive
    • Application arm and wedge
    • Peeled label carrier film disposal unit
    • Label removal unit to container
    • Rolling-on station
  • Lubrication and maintenance
  • Requirements on the label and container quality
  • Using the most important parameters

Course objective:

Spurring labeller top performance – without unplanned downtimes and product faults? You will find out how to do that in this seminar. You will gain an understanding of the design and functionality of the machine enabling you to operate it independently and safely. You will learn how to quickly eliminate malfunctions and how to prevent them in the future

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Partial delivery

En cas de livraison partielle, nous vous enverrons les produits disponibles d'ici quelques jours. Il vous suffit de sélectionner les produits que vous souhaitez obtenir immédiatement.Veuillez noter que des frais de port supplémentaires vous seront facturés. Germany | spare parts, service and offers

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